Thursday, November 5, 2009

Manners & customs (reegi to shuukan) #Part 2

  1. Senior/older = me-u'e (目上)
  2. Junior/younger = me-shita (目下)
  3. Older/more experienced = sempai (先輩)
  4. Younger/less experienced = koohai (後輩)
  5. Thoughtful attention = kikubari (気配り)
  6. flattery = oseji (お世辞)
  7. respectful language = keego(敬語)
  8. Talk behind someone's back = kage-guchi (陰口)
  9. It's important in Japan = nihon de wa juugo des (日本では重要です)
  10. Seniority system = nenkoo joretsu (年功序列)
  11. Name cards = meeshi 
  12. Educational background = gakureki (学歴)
  13. Personal connection = kone (コネ)
  14. Social obligation = giri (義理)
  15. Warmth kindness = ninjoo (人情)
  16. Gut feeling = kan (勘)
  17. Art of non-verbal understanding = haragee (腹芸)
  18. Pride/face = memboku (面目)
  19. Shame(ful) = haji (恥)
  20. Unity/harmony = wa (和)
  21. Clique/faction = habatsu (派閥)
  22. Appearance' sake = mi'e (見栄)
  23. Patience = gaman (我慢)
  24. Modesty = kenson (謙遜)
  25. Reserve/restraint = enryo (遠慮)
  26. (social) reputation = sekentee (世間体)
  27. Complain (to fish for sympathy) = guchi (グチ)

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